Han Solo Star Wars Facebook Status Update (by Brian Murphy on CollegeHumor)
Posted by Eric at 9:00 AM 0 commentsFacebook, what would the world be like without you? Good question. Now at least we know what Facebook would be like with Han Solo on it.
How to Try the New Google Search - Google Search (via @Gizmodo)
Posted by Eric November 25, 2009 at 4:13 PM 0 comments
Confirmed. The rumors about Google's redesign are true, and you can try it for yourself with a very simple method.
1. Go to Google.com.
2. Once it loads, enter this code into your web browser's URL address field:javascript:void(document.cookie="PREF=ID=20b6e4c2f44943bb:U=4bf292d46faad806:TM=1249677602:LM=1257919388:S=odm0Ys-53ZueXfZG;path=/; domain=.google.com");
There shouldn't be any http://google.com in front of that. Just that code.
3. Hit enter.
4. Reload or open a new Google.com page and you will have access to the new user interface.It's fast and sweet, although the changes don't affect all the available sections. [Thanks Matt Karolian]
Send an email to Jesus Diaz, the author of this post, at jesus@gizmodo.com.
Very cool! I wonder how the new interface will really turn out. It does look lot like bing though :)
iPhone and Android now total 75% of U.S. smartphone web traffic
Posted by Eric November 23, 2009 at 2:49 PM 0 commentsFiled under: Odds and ends, Surveys and Polls, iPhone
iPhone and Android now total 75% of U.S. smartphone web traffic
by Mel Martin (RSS feed) on Nov 23rd 2009 at 2:30PM
It's a rather stunning number from AdMob in an October report. The firm reports on web requests from thousands of sites world wide. In the latest report, Apple has 55% of the domestic Smartphone traffic share, and Android has 20%. Interestingly, the Blackberry share dropped 2% to a 12 percent share, and Palm's webOS dropped from a 10% share to 5%.
Windows Mobile OS has 4% of the U.S. Smartphone web traffic.
The AdMob statistics do not show handset sales, but rather are calculated by measuring traffic on more than 15,000 web sites and applications.
The Motorola Droid, running only on Verizon, has captured 24% of all Android traffic, even thought it has been out only a few weeks.
The iPhone has been on the market for 28 months. That 55% share of traffic is a pretty robust number for such a relatively new product. The Android numbers, especially those of the Droid are also good news for Google, Motorola and Verizon.
The balance of Smartphone data may change dramatically as the holiday season unwinds, and it will be interesting to watch the ebb and flow of the competing brands.
AdMob was recently purchased by Google. Apple also had reportedly had some interest in the company.
Incredible statistics for both the iPhone and the Android (the Verizon Droid in particular).
Adidas Originals Star Wars Collection Preview (via KicksOnFire.com)
Posted by Eric at 9:26 AM 0 commentsAdidas Originals Star Wars Collection Preview
Star Wars fans will get a chance to add another piece of memorabilia to their collection in 2010. adidas honors the timeless intergalactic tale with a few of its classic models in what looks to be a very promising collaborative. The shoes take inspiration from scenes and characters for a literal interpretation and while we only have these sneak peak images you can only imagine how soon the hi res detailed photos will be online. Who’s excited? Or were you all trekkies? Via Hypebeast
Wow, first Marc Ecko brings Star Wars into pop culture and now Adidas? Looks like I'll need to save up for a new wardrobe.
Kanye West your website with Kanyelicio.us
Posted by Eric November 17, 2009 at 1:47 PM 0 commentsI know that the the tool to add Kanye West to any site has been out for a while. But, it's so awesome that I wanted to make sure that everyone out there knows about. Plus, I recently rediscovered it in my bookmarks :)
Remember when Kanye West toally punk'd Taylor Swift at the 2009 MTV VMA awards? Here's a refresher:
So, why am bringing up Kanye West again after the incident that happened earlier this year? Well, if you haven't discovered "kanyelicious" yet you are really missing out! This simple website features an app that is rumored to have been developed by none other than the Barbarian Group.
How do you go about turning every site known to man into a kanyelicious site? It's as easy as 1,2,3:
- Go to kanyelicious http://kanyelicious.appspot.com/
- Enter your URL into the field
- Hit "DO IT!"
P.S. To see my personal favorite Kanye West joke from Ima let you finish check out my earlier blogpost here.
Facebook Uncool for 18-24s? All of this has happened before
Posted by Eric November 16, 2009 at 8:35 AM 0 commentsTo steal a line from Battlestar Galactica: All of this has happened before and all of it will happen again:
A group, in this case college age kids, discover an online sanctuary just to find out that everyone they have ever been in contact with including their parents are on it. First it was MySpace and everyone moved to Facebook, a safe haven for college age kids that required a .edu email address to join. This meant no parents, no relatives, no spam, no junk.
Then Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook decides that he needs to monetize Facebook and rake in the ca$h. He opens it up to everyone and there was only a tiny initial wave of users that committed Facebook-icide including myself (I only came back 2 years later because as a marketer I couldn't miss out on this phenomenon). Then around this time last year, so November 2008, I started hearing stories that people's parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles were now on Facebook and seeking them out - as if it wasn't already awkward enough dodging Aunt Beth at the annual Thanksgiving dinner, but now people had to do it online? That's where where many people are drawing the line.
Now Adweek throws out an article today about how Facebook is "getting" uncool for 18-24s (a.k.a. the college crowd) - to the surprise of many, but not people that have been following the pulse of this development.
Back to Battlestar Galactica: All of this has happened before and all of it will happen again.
So, now the (1 Billion Dollar) question is: What is next great thing that the kids are going to migrate to?
Twitter? I see twitter more as a compliment to Facebook and not a direct competitor. Sure there are people that only use twitter or Facebook, but they are such different beasts that they don't directly compete.
Leapfish? I doubt that they can fill the shoes of Facebook as Leapfish is an aggregator, but not a source like Facebook or Twitter.
The only thing that is for sure is that "All of this has happened before and all of it will happen again."
The next big thing? Leapfish Launches Portal & Search For "Living Web"
Posted by Eric at 8:08 AM 0 commentsYoung People Tweeting More and More - eMarketer
Posted by Eric November 3, 2009 at 9:30 AM 0 commentsStatus update services catch on with Gen Y
More evidence of Twitter uptake among young people comes from the Pew Internet & American Life Project. According to a September 2009 survey, 33% of online adults ages 18 to 29 use a status update service, a significant difference from the research firm’s previous poll on the subject.
This meant young adults were more likely to tweet than users ages 30 to 49, who had previously been considered the core group for Twitter.