Please update your bookmarks to www.me.com
As of January 21st, 2010, www.mac.com will no longer redirect to www.me.com. Please be sure to update your bookmarks. This change will not affect any of your MobileMe services or published web pages.
I wanted to check my email online this morning and I was welcomed to mac.com by this message. As much as like "MobileMe" I do not like the idea of "me.com" or having a "@me.com" email address versus a "@mac.com" email address. Being a longtime Apple user and fan I enjoy having an email address that helps me identify with the brand.
Is Apple working on putting something else up on mac.com? Is this part of a major rebranding effort?
As Apple does not give out the "@mac.com" address anymore I can only hope that do not pal on getting rid of the "@mac.com" addresses in the future.
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